Registered Classes:
Divorce Recovery
Beginning Feb 4, 2025
Tuesdays 6:15 PM
Cost: $30 (covers all materials)
Register here.
Steadfast Love
A Study of Psalm 107
Beginning Feb. 4, 2025
Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Books available in the Recovery office $15
Register here
Reach out to with questions
Sharing groups offer support in your recovery. Each of our sharing groups is a safe place where you can listen to the experiences of others as well as share your own feelings and concerns, if you'd like. Each group is facilitated by a trained volunteer who has personal experience in the issues on which the group focuses. Our facilitators ensure the group rules are followed by all of the participants so that everyone can have a positive, supportive experience.
Each Recovery At Cokesbury location offers a specific set of sharing groups. Groups at Recovery at Cokesbury Knoxville include:
Chemically Dependent Men
Chemically Dependent Women
Women Conquering Codependency
Men Conquering Codependency
Family and Friends Compulsion Education
Hurt and Loss for Men and Women
Men Seeking Sexual Integrity
Precovery (Children ages 5-12)
These groups do not require registration.
See the location you're interested in visiting for information about the sharing groups offered at that location.
Guidelines For Sharing Groups
- Keep your sharing focused on your own thoughts and feelings. Please limit your sharing to 3-5 minutes.
- There will be no cross talk, please. Cross talk is when two individuals engage in dialogue excluding all others. Each person is free to express his/her feelings without interruption.
- We are here to support one another. We will not attempt to "fix" each other.
- Anonymity and confidentiality are basic requirements. What is shared in the group stays in the group!
- Offensive language has no place in a Christ-centered recovery group.
All Open Share Groups meet at the North Campus, 9919 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922.
Registered Classes at Recovery at Cokesbury
Overcoming Emotions that Destroy
Not currently offered
What You Will Learn:
How many of our emotions lead to anger, and many emotions follow from that.
As we deal with our anger, we deal with the primary cause for all emotions that destroy.
Identify whether you are a spewers, leaker, or stuffer.
Difference between good and bad anger.
How to gain control of anger.
How to direct anger toward constructive ends.
Not currently offered
Do you need to learn how to say no without feeling guilty? Do you wonder when it's okay to say yes? Are you a nice liar but a mean honest person? Is anger the primary boundary you use? If you said yes to any of these questions, Boundaries is a great resource for you!
Beyond Boundaries
Not currently offered.
Follow-up class to Boundaries.
Divorce Recovery
Not Currently Offered (meets once/year beginning in February)
Divorce takes a toll on us emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually. This class is for anyone struggling in the midst of or aftermath of divorce. Class topics include the stages of grief; when emotions overwhelm us; thinking & responding differently; the power of anger & resentments; letting go and moving forward.
Follow Up Care after Divorce Recovery
We recommend the following groups and classes for additional recovery from Divorce:
1. Hurt & Loss for Men & Women (Thursday Open Share Group)
2. Codependency Groups for Women and Men (Thursday Open Share Group)
3. Boundaries (Seasonally)
4. Anger Management (Seasonally)
Experiencing God
Not currently offered.
A class based on the book "Experiencing God - Knowing and Doing the Will of God" by Claude King and Henry Blackaby.
Holiday Stress and Boundaries
Not currently offered.
This 5-week educational/discussion group will cover:
Boundary Myths/Laws and how they can specifically apply to us during the holidays
Unrealistic Expectations of ourselves and others that we tend to exaggerate during this time of year
Communicating assertively instead of passively or aggressively
Effective, Healthy Coping Skills
How Real Men Fight
Not currently offered.
A class for men based on the book "Fight" written by Craig Groeschel. How do men grow? How do you deal with conflict openly, fairly, with integrity and with creative outcomes? You will find the strength to fight the battles you know you need to fight.
Hurt & Loss Teaching Group
Not currently offered.
Join our open share group at 7:45 PM on Thursdays!
Pain and losses in our lives can linger and cause damage in several directions.
Over 4 weeks we’ll work on the basics of how to recognize signs of places of hurt
and loss in our lives that are unresolved and how to begin to heal from them.
Men's Twelve Steps
Registration Closed
A class for men struggling with any compulsion or addiction. The group will come together to address their individual issues . Whether you struggle with drugs, alcohol, sex addiction, gambling, etc. this study is for you.
Search for Significance
Not currently offered.
Class based on the book "The Search for Significance" by Robert S. McGee.
Not currently offered
This class will define trauma, help you identify triggers and learn healthy coping skills. Led by Vickie Haberbosch, RN, BSN, MPH, CSA
Not currently offered
Do you feel caught in a trap of constantly trying to please others? Are you driven by approval from others or doing things perfectly? Do you often adjust to others needs while ignoring your own needs? Do you cover up feelings with compulsive behaviors? Do you struggle saying no to requests? Does the fear of being alone or rejected overwhelm you? Do your relationships suffer due to your never ending battle for control? Do you struggle identifying your true self and trusting others with details of your life? If any of these sound familiar, Conquering Codependency, a 12 step study for Women, can help by offering ways to understand origins of hurt, fear, anger & anxiety. Additionally, you will learn how to identify patterns of thinking, feeling & behaving that rob you of enjoying life & experiencing peace. Through questions, journaling, group sharing, and self-reflection, Conquering Codependency guides you toward choosing thoughts and behaviors leading to freedom from the pain and emotional bondage of Codependency. Join us on to begin your journey toward a healthier you!
Women's Open 12 Step Study
Not Currently Offered
“Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go.” Spencer Johnson, author “Who Moved My Cheese”.
Recovery through the 12 steps is a journey away from holding on and toward letting go. Recovery is not only for those suffering from addiction, but for people suffering from soul wounds like shame and abandonment. A 12 step journey guides those of us struggling with depression, loneliness, lust, anger, pride, loss, anxiety or anything else causing pain, despair, and disappointment. Recovery can begin to unravel complicated messy lives and mend broken places found deep within our souls. Recovery can begin to heal pain and mend brokenness.
If you’re at a place in your life’s journey in which you desire to travel in community with others towards facing our fear of letting go through actively surrendering the things we are powerless over and toward freedom, join us!
Women Seeking Sexual Integrity
Not currently offered.
A class for women who struggle with serial dating, love addiction, pornography and other sexual addiction issues.
Sign up for these classes by signing the sheet in the Guest Services area on Thursday nights, clicking the link above, emailing, or calling the Recovery Office at 865-246-0449.